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The Music and Arts Rooms

The Music Room is approximately 40 metres squared with carpet flooring and worktop/creative spaces for up to 20 people. It comes equipped with a wide range of musical instruments including African Drums, recorders, small keyboard and a variety of classical instruments.


The Art Room is approximately 40 metres squared and has a range of pottery equipment including an electric kiln. There are tables and chairs set out for up to 20 people.


The rooms are available to hire at the following times;


Term times   - 5pm-10.30pm weekdays


                         9am-10.30pm weekends


School holidays - 8am-10.30pm weekdays


                               9am-10.30pm weekends


The cost to hire either the Music or Art Room is £16.00 per hour.

If you are interested in hiring the facilities at St John's please contact the School on 01306 884506 or email

If you wish to discuss any event whist it is taking place at St John’s please dial 01306 884506 and select the option for our Senior Leadership Team. Jacky Fyson, Headteacher, will then be able to respond directly or arrange for a member of our team to do so.

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